Session 3 – Workforce and Digitalisation

Session 3 – Workforce and Digitalisation

The succession of crisis has exacerbated a pressing need to attract and stabilise workforce in the bakery sector. The high overall economic activity and the evolving worker’s profile and expectations require a deep and dynamic approach of this nowadays critical dimension of the business. This session intends to combine principles versus practical experience and tradition versus latest digital trends. The new competitive environment puts established experience at stake and calls for an open-minded reflection on the attractiveness of our sector and ways to master this.

Time and session # Themes and Speakers
14:00 – 14:10 S3.1 Moderator and Sponsor of the session introduction
Moderator: Kari Meltovaara, Managing Director, Leipomo Rosten Oy / Board Member of AIBI
Sponsor Introduction: MECATHERM, Raymond Nogael, Vice-President Global Sales, Marketing, Business Development & Sustainability
14:10 – 14:30 S3.2 The search for meaning in work
Pia-Maria Thorén, Inspiration Director and Coach, Agile People
14:30 – 14:50 S3.3 AI: Everybody is talking about it, but what does it mean for your business?
Cyrille Filott, Global Strategist – Consumer Foods, Rabobank
14:50 – 15:30 Networking break
15:30 – 15:50 S3.4 Workforce crisis and solutions – automation
George Mavromaras, Board Member, Bakehellas
15:50 – 17:00 S3.5 Industry leaders panel discussion
Sebastian Gooding, CEO, Ditsch / Valora Group Management
Peter van den Berg, CEO, Pandriks Group
Frank Kleiner, CEO, Harry-Brot
Together with the keynote speakers of this session